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The Shemagh Pattern Multi Wrap is a versatile accessory designed to enhance comfort and functionality in various environments. With its seamless construction, this multi wrap ensures a smooth and comfortable fit. It features anti-static and moisture-wicking properties to keep you dry and focused, while the stretchable polyester micro-fiber allows for multiple configurations, such as a bandana, neck gaiter, balaclava, or dust screen.


  • Seamless construction: Provides enhanced comfort and a smooth fit without irritation.
  • Anti-static and moisture-wicking: Keeps you dry and free from static cling.
  • Stretchable polyester micro-fiber: Offers flexibility and comfort in various configurations.
  • Dimensions: 9.5” x 19.5”H

With its Shemagh pattern design, this multi wrap is an invaluable addition to your tactical or outdoor gear, offering protection and versatility without compromise.


Colour:Olive DrabBlackCoyote Brown


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