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This G&G CM16 LMG (Light Machinegun) features a unique hybrid design for versatile style of combat. With the included bi-pod and massive 2500rd box magazine, this gun can be mounted to unleash a firestorm of suppressing fire. When you run out of ammo, fold the bi-pod up into a vertical foregrip and load in a standard M4/M16 magazine to take your LMG on the run. The M-LOK handguard and picatinny/weaver rails provide ampe room to attach laser sights, flashlight mounts, or optics to compliment your approach on the battlefield. The CM16 LMG has some impressive full metal internals, including a 25000rpm motor, 8mm gearbox, as well as a MOSFET and ETU which allows for programmable 3rd burst. A link of dummy rounds is also included to give the rifle an authentic LMG look.


Gun Caliber:6 mm (.24 cal)6 mm (.24 cal)
Ammo Type:AirsoftAirsoft
Gun Action:Semi/Fully AutomaticSemi/Fully Automatic
Front Sight:Flip-upFlip-up
FPS:350 to 400350 to 400
Gun Material:Metal & PolymerMetal & Polymer
Rear Sight:RemovableRemovable
Power Source:ElectricElectric
Body Type:LMGLMG
Barrel Length:26.7 cm (10.5 inch)26.7 cm (10.5 inch)
Gun Blowback:Non-BlowbackNon-Blowback
Magazine Capacity:25002500


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