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A soldier must evaluate and treat a casualty skillfully to prevent further injury or death. Seek help from medical personnel as soon as possible, but do not interrupt the evaluation or treatment. Send another person to find medical help if needed. Continue the evaluation and treatment until relieved by another individual. If the casualty shows critical conditions during the evaluation, stop and administer first aid immediately. In a chemical environment, ensure the casualty is masked and given the antidote before evaluation. After providing first aid, proceed with the evaluation and monitor the casualty until medical personnel arrive. Learn these procedures well; you may need to give first aid someday.


  • ASIN: B000IE9LR6
  • Publisher: Department of the Army (January 1, 1959)
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 99 pages
  • Best Sellers Rank: #8,301,661 in Books


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